Declutter your space!

Declutter your space!

Clutter. It’s one of those things that slowly creeps up on us and expands around us as life gets busy. Before we know it our work space is surrounded by it, we’re surrounded by it in our cars, and in our living spaces. Did you know that clutter and having an...
My calf is injured and it’s all my fault.

My calf is injured and it’s all my fault.

I tore it about a month ago less than ½ mile into a hike and had to hobble back to my car. It felt a tad tight that morning, but I ignored my body’s whispering warning to go easy. I rested and thought it had healed, but again I ignored the little whispers my body gave...
The perfect butter mushroom coffee…

The perfect butter mushroom coffee…

The mess I made making my butter mushroom coffee with my new immersion blender was smaller this morning on day three than it was on days one and two. I call that a win. Isn’t that how everything is in life? When you try something new, there is a learning curve...
For lasting results, find your WHY!

For lasting results, find your WHY!

If you’re like many people I know, you may have come into the new year with gusto, saying “2019 is my year to get healthy!” … or “lose weight!” … or “get fit!” But, if you’re like 80% of people, by February, your initial excitement will have waned and the resolution...