Free Quiz

Do You Have Signs of Histamine Intolerance?

Take a quick 2-minute quiz to find out whether you have common signs of histamine intolerance (and what to do if the answer is yes!)

If you feel off after eating favorites like avocados or chocolate, have unexplained skin breakouts, or find that even “safe” foods sometimes cause a reaction, this quiz is for you.

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Hi, I’m Tamy Anderson!

I’m a certified functional health practitioner, and I  help allergy and histamine intolerance sufferers  claim freedom from the uncomfortable  symptoms that can strip the joy out of life.

This quiz is part of my Histamine Solution program, an easy-to-follow set of guides and videos that have helped hundreds of my clients stop the vicious histamine cycle in its tracks.

Together, we can make your histamine misery a thing of the past, so you can live the healthy, energized life you deserve!

Histamine intolerance
can be SNEAKY!

Often a person with histamine intolerance will experience multiple symptoms that are seemingly
unrelated or easily mistaken for other issues, such as food allergies or stomach trouble.

However, there is a pattern of common signs that can reveal an underlying histamine issue – this
quiz is designed to help you spot those signs. And it would be my privilege to help you end them!